Poultry information
Under the Shire of Dardanup Health Local-Laws 2000 there are requirements for keeping poultry within a townsite. Poultry includes bantams, ducks and other domestic fowls.
Number limitations
Within a townsite an owner or occupier of a premise are not permitted to keep a combined total of more than 12 (twelve) poultry and pigeons on any one lot of land, as long as the below conditions can be met.
Roosters are NOT permitted to be kept on a premises within a townsite.
Conditions for keeping poultry
- No poultry is able to approach within 9 metres of a house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold;
- All poultry is kept in a properly constructed and securely fastened structure or enclosure;
- The enclosure must be in a yard having an unobstructed area of at least 30 square metres;
- Poultry are not permitted to approach within 9 metres of a street
- Poultry are not permitted to approach within 1.2 metres of any side or rear boundary; and
- Enclosures/cages must be maintained a clean condition at all times.
Fowl not Permitted
Fowl that are NOT permitted to be kept within a townsite include:
- Rooster
- Goose or gander
- Turkey
- Peacock or peahen
- Gamebird (including emus and ostriches)
Keeping of poultry
No more than a combined total of 12 poultry and pigeons are permitted to be kept on a property within a townsite.
Roosters are NOT permitted to be kept on a premises within a townsite.
Conditions for keeping poultry:
- Poultry must not be able to approach within 9 metres of a dwelling house, public building or premises where people are employed or where food is stored, prepared, manufactured or sold;
- Poultry are to be kept in a properly constructed and securely fastened structure or enclosure;
- The enclosure is to be in a yard having with an unobstructed area of at least 30 square metres;
- Poultry must not be able to approach within 9 metres of a street other than a right-of-way unless Council has approved a lesser distance;
- Poultry is not to approach within 1.2 metres of any side or rear property boundary; and
- Enclosures or cages must be maintained in a clean condition at all times.
You are also welcome to contact our Environmental Health Services for more information at health@dardanup.wa.gov.au