Conditions of Use

The Shire of Dardanup Library Services is committed to providing library users with a high standard of customer access to our library facilities, collections, programs and technologies. 

The procedures below provide a guideline for acceptable use of our library services and items. Full details of these guidelines can be made available upon request. 

Conditions of Use - General

Access to services

  • Customers must produce a library card or I.D. at all times in order to borrow;
  • It is important to report a lost or stolen library card immediately so that you are not charged for any items that may be borrowed by an unauthorised person;
  • Please notify library staff if your address, phone number or other contact details change;
  • Please return all loaned items on or before the due date (3 week lending period);


  • Borrowers are responsible for any items borrowed on their card for the duration of the loan period;
  • If an item is damaged or lost while on loan, the borrower will be charged for the replacement cost of that item plus an invoicing fee;

Children and Parents

  • Complete the membership form for your child and sign it;
  • Parents or guardians are responsible or all items borrowed on their children’s cards;
  • All children aged 12 and under must be supervised by a parent or guardian. Shire of Dardanup Libraries are not responsible for the supervision of children on library premises.

Responsibility and restrictions

  • Any person attending the Shire of Dardanup Libraries must behave in a responsible and considerate manner. Persons behaving in an inappropriate or disorderly manner will be asked to leave the premises.
  • Temporary borrowing restrictions will be applied to any library member who retains library materials excessively past their due date, or seriously misuses the libraries.
  • Customers are responsible for abiding by all copyright, censorship and other relevant laws and legislation when accessing, photocopying and borrowing library items.

Conditions of Use - Technology

Our service provides library users with the skills they need for smart, safe and responsible use of technology and we provide a range of opportunities for accessing information including on-line through free access to the internet via PCs, Wi-Fi and also iPads.

The procedure below provides a guideline for acceptable use of public internet access computers and Wi-Fi while promoting the eSmart philosophy and apply to any one accessing public computers, internet and electronic resources provided by the Shire of Dardanup Library Services. Full details of this policy can be made available upon request:


  • Public access to computers, iPads and Wi-Fi is free of charge.
  • Printing is charged for in accordance with the Library’s Fees and Charges.
  • To ensure equitable access, time limits apply as the public access computers are often heavily used.
  • While every effort will be made to provide assistance to users of the computers, it is assumed that customers booking public access computers will have basic computing skills. Assistance and information regarding training options are available from library staff.


  • Customers wishing to borrow a Library iPad must be at least 18 years old and provide a valid library card and driver’s licence which will be kept at the service desk for the term of use.
  • Library iPads are not permitted to be taken from the Library for any reason.
  • If a user wishes to listen to media on a public PC it is their responsibility to ensure they have the appropriate hardware to listen with (eg. headphones or earphones).
  • The Library Service assumes no responsibility for any damage, direct or indirect, arising from use of the internet including viruses, adware or spyware.
  • Customers are not permitted to damage, modify, add or delete software or tamper with computer, iPad or printer settings in any way.
  • Work cannot be saved on library computers. Customers wishing to keep their work should save it to their own external device (eg. thumbdrive or hard drive).

Children & Parents

  • The Library Service promotes and supports young people’s access to information, including electronic information through its internet facilities. Library staff are available to assist children in the use of the internet and to recommend websites on particular subjects.
  • Parents or guardians are responsible for their children’s access to and use of the public computers and Library iPads including access to sites, their subject matter and content.
  • Children under 12 years old are not permitted to use the public computers unless directly supervised by a parent or legal guardian.

Right to Privacy

  • It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that any sensitive documents or information of a personal nature are removed from the computer when their session is finished. This includes signing out of any personal and secure logins (eg. Facebook, Gmail etc). The Library Service cannot guarantee security and confidentiality of any transaction, particularly e-commerce and internet banking transactions.
  • The Library Service respects the rights of individuals to privacy; however, access to internet facilities is provided in a public place and through publicly available facilities; therefore, no guarantee of privacy can be made.
  • Customers should be sensitive to the values and beliefs of others when displaying potentially controversial information or images on computer screens located in the library.

Responsibility and restrictions

  • Customers are responsible for abiding by all copyright, censorship and other relevant laws and legislation when accessing, posting, forwarding, saving and/or printing materials.
  • Customers are not permitted to advertise, transmit or request objectionable or restricted materials.
  • Customers using public access computers and Wi-Fi must adhere to the Library Internet Policy, Conditions of Use, the Library General Use Agreement and this procedure. In the event of any breach of the Conditions of Use, the Library Service reserves the right to immediately terminate the use of the service and to maintain that restriction for as long as the Library Service chooses. Where such use includes suspected illegal activity the matter may be referred to the Western Australian Police.