Eaton Recreation Centre

Eaton Recreation Centre is a Shire of Dardanup owned and operated facility providing a range of health, fitness, sporting, care and recreational opportunities.
The Centre offers:
- A state-of-the-art 24-hour gym with various program and membership options.
- 24-hour indoor cycling studio.
- 40+ Group Fitness classes per week.
- Fitness programs for all ages including Seniors and Juniors.
- 3 Indoor Sports Courts with Centre-run social competitions as well as Association-run basketball and netball competitions for juniors and the elite level.
- Children’s Programs and Services with Vacation Care, crèche, junior exercise classes.
- Meeting Rooms and Presentation Facilities for hire.
- Cafe.

Visit ERC website
Contact details
18 Recreation Drive, Eaton, WA, 6232
Telephone: 9724 0400
Email –