For Kids

OverDrive eReading Room
Created just for kids and provides a safe and easy browsing experience.
The eReading Room just shows children’s content, which gets kids to the titles they want faster.
Kids can browse, sample, place holds and borrow eBooks appropriate for their age range and reading level.
Click HERE to go to the eReading Room for Kids

WARNING: May cause uncontrollable giggles.
Busythings is an interactive animated fun learning space suitable for kids from pre-school to early primary school.
To use enter your Shire of Dardanup Library Services card number into the box on the launch screen and enjoy.
Simply click HERE to begin using Busythings
Story Box Library

Story Box Library provides a place where children can connect and engage with the wonderful world of Australian Children's Literature. Listen to stories read by Australian storytellers who add meaningful and entertaining readings. Supported by State Library of WA's Better Beginnings program.
To use enter your Shire of Dardanup Library Services card number into the box on the launch screen and enjoy.
Click HERE to access Story Box Library