Scribblers Festival: Golden Feather Hunt

Past Event

The Golden Feather Hunt is On!

The Scribblers Family Festival have sent out thousands of feather-shaped bookmarks to be hidden at both Eaton and Dardanup Library (and 159 other libraries across WA) and it’s up to you to hunt them out.

There’s topaz, silver, golden and white feathers to seek out among the shelves in the children’s and young adult sections of our shelves, and each can win you an exciting prize.

The Golden Feather Hunt runs from the 4 September through to the 27 October, the day before the Scribblers Family Festival. So come down and start reading (and hunting)!

Visit for more information. Don’t forget to share your feathered finds on social media and tag @scribblersfest and #goldenfeatherhunt to go into a draw to win a spot prize too.

What is Scribblers all about?

Scribblers was developed as a public celebration of FORM’s Creative Learning program. Our primary objective is to instil the importance of books and creativity in children’s lives, as tools to help them thrive in, understand, and communicate with the world around them.

Will you find the Golden Feather? Visit us at Eaton or Dardanup Library today.

Event Details

Time: Through September and October

Location: Eaton Community Library

Cost: Free

Category: General, Babies/Toddler/Pre-school, Primary School Children, Library, Families, School Holidays, Youth

Type: General

Audience: All Ages


Contact: Dean Pitts

Organisation: Shire of Dardanup Library Services

Position: Coordinator Library Services

Phone: 97240470



Event Date(s)

  • Monday 4th September 2023

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