Thank you for sharing your ideas on cycling!

Published on Thursday, 5 May 2022 at 12:00:00 AM

Thank you for sharing your ideas on cycling!

We have now closed comments on our community brainstorm regarding cycling in the shire.

Thank you to the more than 300 people who popped in to visit our online consultation to assist with creation of a Local Bike Plan.

It has proven to be one of our most popular Connect Dardanup online consultations undertaken so far.

Even though consultation on this topic is now closed, you are still welcome to visit the consultation page and view the project map to browse the ideas and comments submitted.

Our consultants are now analysing all the valuable feedback you provided and will use it to inform creation of a draft Local Bike Plan.

This will be presented to Council for consideration over the next few months and we’ll be sure to keep you posted as this project progresses.

Our resulting Local Bike Plan will be incorporated into future planning and complement the existing Bunbury Wellington 2050 Cycling Strategy which provides a regional approach to development of cycle routes for enhanced connection between various places of interest.

The plan will help put us on the path toward an ambition listed in our 2050 Vision of “Facilitate connection between our geographically diverse centres with cycling, scooting and ride-share.”

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