September 8 is R U OK? Day

Published on Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 6:00:00 AM

This year the message is: You don’t need to be an expert to ask RU OK?

Listening and giving someone your time might be just what they need to help them through.

The work of health professionals is vital and their value cannot be underestimated, however we can all play a role in supporting the people in our world.

A conversation could change a life.

We all value our privacy and respect the privacy of others. You might be telling yourself ‘It’s none of my business’ or ‘They won’t want to talk to me about it anyway’.

It’s understandable to be unsure or a little embarrassed but it’s better to start a conversation than to ignore that feeling you have that something is not quite right. Having someone show they care can make all the difference for someone who is feeling overwhelmed or distressed.

RU OK? recommends having a conversation using these 4 steps:

  1. Ask RU OK?
  2. Listen with an open mind;
  3. Encourage Action;
  4. Check in.

R U OK? is a harm prevention charity that encourages people to  stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives.

Their work focuses on building the motivation, confidence and skills of the help-giver – the person who can have a meaningful conversation with someone who is struggling with life.

R U OK? contributes to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging  people to invest more time in their  personal relationships and building the capacity of informal support networks – friends, family and colleagues - to be alert to those around them, have a conversation if they identify signs of distress or difficulty and connect someone to appropriate support, long before they're in crisis.

Support is available

If a life is in danger or you’re concerned for your own or someone’s safety please call 000.

If you’re finding life tough or need some extra support, it can help to talk about how you’re feeling with someone you trust.

You and your loved ones can find support by contacting your local doctor or one of these crisis lines:

Lifeline (24/7)
13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service (24/7)
1300 659 467

Beyond Blue (24/7)
1300 224 636

Kids Helpline (24/7, for youth 5-25)
1800 55 1800

MensLine (24/7)
1300 78 99 78

1800RESPECT (24/7)
1800 737 732

13 YARN (24/7)
13 92 76

QLife (3pm-midnight)
Anonymous, free LGBTI support
1800 184 527

Griefline (6am-midnight)
1300 845 745

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